Perspectives Course

Every Monday until April 17, 2023

6:30pm – 9:15pm


Perspectives image

Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson education course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. The course examines the story of God fulfilling His promises from four vantage points or “perspectives” — Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic.

The Biblical and Historical sections establish the foundation of our confidence in the historic fact of God’s persistent work to make His name known to the nations from the dawn of history until today. The Cultural and Strategic sections highlight that we are in the midst of a costly but very “do-able” task. These sections confirm the Biblical and Historical hope we have with the invitation to colabor with God in His mission.

You have an integral role to play in God’s story. He delights when His people respond to His invitation to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.