A Daily Recap
March 23, 2023The team had a great time of devotions and prayer together before they went on on Wednesday. Three team members were able to visit three classrooms at a local school, as children and teachers heard the gospel and learned about God’s love for them.
The team's time at the drug rehab center was productive yet difficult as they heard stories from three young men and their addiction to drugs. David did a great job speaking about forgiveness which served as a great encouragement to all present.
Joe enjoyed some time playing basketball with some kids at a local park. Of course, they asked him many questions, including, "Do you know Lebron James?" Discovering he had actually seen Lebron play in a live game was enough to give Joe superstar status among those on the court!
The team is heading out (Thursday morning) for more discipleship lessons among those whom they have met and those who have received Jesus.
As one team member said:
We feel the prayers of our church family!!!